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Song Samples:
Flower Power
Song Samples:
Makin' It Happen
Song Samples:
There'll Come a Time
Song Samples:
The Hippie Generation
Song Samples:
There's a Cold Wind Blowin'
Song Samples:
You Can't Do This
Song Samples:
His Bark is Worse Than His Bite
Song Samples:
Oh, My Honey Babe!
Song Samples:
We're the Bad Guys (The Biker Bad Guys)
Song Samples:
Liberated Woman

Flower Power!

Book by Craig Sodaro Music and lyrics by Bill Francoeur

Age Level: Middle Grades to High School
Cast: 19F, 12M, optional extras
Time: 90 minutes, 2 acts

Relive the hazy days and the hip music of the sixties. Replay the flower people of the decade that changed everything! The hippies, the mystics, the protesters. Starpetal and her Flower Power girl’s band start a student sit-in protest at Valley High. When the school principal denies their request for an in-school battle-of-the-bands the flower kids try for a park permit to raise money for their Hug-A-Tree Foundation. They’re denied again. Frustrated, they make it happen at Ole MacDonald’s farm. Hippie Shreddy Freddy, the mystic Maharishi, Bruiser and his bikers, and Max King, the famous record promoter, all get drawn into the excitement that becomes the Cornstalk Music Festival. Though it begins with Flower Power, the girl’s band, and Peter, Paul and Harry, the boy’s band, it’s The Kooks, a top British rock group, that really sparks the festivities. The show features nine original sixties-style rock numbers including: "Flower Power!," "The Hippie Generation," "Makin’ It Happen," "Liberated Women," "We’re the Bad Guys," and more. The show has a sixties rock beat throughout. Everything goes wild when the crazy bikers invade the event, but Big Mama knows how to tame them and calm the crowd. Lighting effects, a psychedelic backdrop, silly face makeup and the groovy clothing of the era all contribute to make this a memorable show.

This title is now carried by Pioneer Drama Service.  Click here to order on Pioneer's web site.

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