Though still a young man, Robert Mauro has many years of playwriting experience behind his words. His sudden appearance on the theatrical scene as a brilliantly versatile playwright cannot be considered writer’s luck. It is a position well earned since his childhood days in New York City. It was then that he began creating scenes and playlets.
Unlike many other gifted children who write neighborhood plays for friendly entertainment, Mauro continued his writing into and through his college years, winning several regional distinctions and productions. His first adult play was the featured work at Hofstra University’s Annual Literary Festival. It launched him into a career as a playwright, writer and editor.
So prolific is Mauro in the wide range of his current writing in a variety of media that he has been required to assume a second pen name.
Mauro’s publisher believes he is a talent with a destiny. His works shall most certainly grow in stature and acceptance in American theatre and TV.