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The Book — With authentic sing-alongs, theme music, olios, blackout jokes, and a wealth of useful information about the melodramatic form, this resource will prove itself invaluable every time you put on a melodrama.

For the beginners, Between Hisses first introduces you to melodrama with a fun and helpful overview of its distinct characteristics.  Part Two traces the historical development and provides intellectual commentary on melodrama and how to present it most effectively.  Part Three helps you stage your actual production from start to finish with instruction on how to warm up the audience, introduce the characters and the show, use melodramatic gestures, and incorporate olios.  Even seasoned veterans of melodrama will appreciate the fresh material provided in the section on olios — including the pantomime, comic lecture, burlesque, blackouts, and short skits.  Finally, everyone will love the music sections of this comprehensive text.  Two appendices of easy-to-read music — one with words and music for 12 songs from the era of old melodrama and the other with a large selection of melodies for theme music — will make your piano accompanist want to cheer.  This book will be your hero...  it’s a real lifesaver!  (82 pages, 8½ x 11, spiral bound)

The CD — All the music included in the book above is pre-recorded for your convenience!  The 12 songs from the era are even included twice — once with lyrics and once without.  In addition, you’ll find all the character theme music and best of all, an entire melodrama is performed from the master of ceremonies’ introduction to the olios.  Actors new to this form of theatre can hear for themselves how a melodrama sounds!  With this great tool, you can burn your own customized CD for every melodrama you produce.
CD PRICING: $50.00


MELODRAMA BARGAIN PACKAGE — This package contains all of the best resources to help you stage an evening of melodrama:  Between Hisses Book & CD and Melodrama:  Beyond the Boos & Hisses on DVD all for only $85.00.

Parts available

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