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Song Samples:
Pecos Bill
Song Samples:
Slue Foot Sue
Song Samples:
I Love You Truly
Song Samples:
Come On In
Song Samples:
The Good, the Bad, and the Dead!
Song Samples:
Book Larnin' Just Ain't Fer Me
Song Samples:
It's Simply a Matter of Politics
Song Samples:
We're Gonna Have a Wing-Dang-Doo!

Pecos Bill, Slue-Foot Sue and the Wing-Dang-Doo!

Age Level: Middle Grades to High School
Cast: 7F, 7M, flexible, dancing girls, and many extras
Time: 90 minutes, 2 acts

Legendary super cowboy Pecos Bill loses his heart to the spunky cowgirl, Slue Foot Sue. She and the "Suffering Suffragettes" lead Pecos Bill kickin’ and screamin’ into politics! They want him for Senator to put down scoundrel-politician, Lemuel Gillynapper. The issue is the "Wing-Dang-Doo" -- code name for equal rights for women. Pecos Bill gets entangled in a nasty campaign of hilarious dirty tricks. Maybe he can’t read or write, but he sure does find the way to use cowboy ingenuity to defeat a sneaky opponent. The Comanche Indians go on the warpath, Pecos wins the nomination, equal rights are in view, and he marries the wily Slue Foot Sue. Eight lively country and bluegrass song-and-dance numbers: "Pecos Bill," "Slue Foot Sue," Come-on In," "The Good, the Bad and the Dead," "I Love You Truly," "Book Larnin’ Jest Ain’t Fer Me," "It’s Simply a Matter of Politics," and "We’re Goin’ to Have a Wing-Dang-Doo!" It’s a mad-catchy, rip-roarin’ show for a large cast. Great costumes, kooky dances with non-stop laughter. A show every bit as lively as Annie Get Your Gun but far easier to stage.

This title is now carried by Pioneer Drama Service.  Click here to order on Pioneer's web site.