With several best-selling original monologue books under his belt, screen writer, actor, and highly respected monologue/audition acting coach Glenn Altermann considers this his best book yet. These 48 monologues — evenly split between men’s and women’s — each tell a compelling story that has a beginning, a middle, and an end while presenting the actor with an identifiable emotional journey. The wide variety of characterizations offers many choices for actors seeking challenging new roles in a professional audition length. The tones of these pieces range from gritty, real life drama to comedy, and have all been tested and fine-tuned to receive the most enthusiastic responses from both actors and directors.
(136 pages, 5½ x 8½, paperback)
Parts available
(136 pages, 5½ x 8½, paperback)
Parts available
Textbook | 978-1-56608-038-5 | $16.95 |
Hear what directors and critics are saying:
...the potential for immense gratification for the actor who does not shrink away from the powerful exhilaration of exorcising emotional demons. Andre DeShields, Actor and Director
These monologs offer the serious actor an emotional field day. Annamarie Kostura, NBC Director of Daytime Programming